We are very excited that you are here! We hope that this year you will find a community of people that help push you closer to God as you pursue Him. Below is more information on what is going on with H2O Church this year!
We are very excited that you are here! We hope that this year you will find a community of people that help push you closer to God as you pursue Him. Below is more information on what is going on with H2O Church this year!
Sunday Service
Our weekly Sunday Services take place in Probasco Auditorium at 10:30am! Our weekly sermons are also available online and on Spotify!
For more information on our Sunday Service, click here!
Life Group
H2O Life Groups are the core of our church. These are groups of 10-25 people meeting regularly to share about life, pray, dig deeper into God’s word and to grow spiritually.
At H2O we believe that real life transformation happens when men and women meet together to experience God. H2O Life Groups are a time when people can unplug from the chaos of college life and connect with each other and God. Our desire is that each person would be able to build relationships that not only last through college but for the rest of our lives. H2O Life Groups present that opportunity.
Life Groups are at 7pm, every Thursday in various locations around campus.
If you'd like to know more information on your Life Group, fill out the form below or contact your Life Group Leader!
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